Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's been all busy busy here nowadays for my revisions. Can you believe it is December already and Christmas is only 13 days away?  When did that happen? Time passes so fast, Christmas, New Year and then Chinese New Year. Three holidays in two months. Is going to be busy again. So if you fancy a nice treat for your loves, lets get something or do something for them. *(For myself, am gonna get something special for him too, hehehee )

I will be sharing with y'll after my exam kiee, have a wonderful week and see y'll soon.

@For today, goodnight.

Friday, December 09, 2011


The no edit no makeupss lol.

Can I just burn all the notes loll
Its study week right now. The week to do revision and prepare for the final exam. I started 2 days ago. There are so much need to memorize. FML With the stress of the exam right around the corner, my skin is looking worse. Like a dried out. :( I get so worn out over the study week, and my tired skin shows it! I need to perk up my skin seriously after thiss.

Btww goodluck for my exam xoxo :D

Saturday, December 03, 2011


要考試了   想讀書   可這幾天小腹痛得要命   有一種有心無力的感覺   喝暖的吃暖的止痛藥也派上場了   還是很痛   一樣地痛   感覺像有幾百隻蟲在吃我肚子   拿走我的生命   我討厭這種感覺   不停的冒冷汗   全身乏力   暈眩     
身體十分的虛弱連說話都無力   頭暈想睡    躺著身體軟軟的像快奄奄一息了   那是怎樣   感覺像是我什麼都做不了   快要死掉了  
昨天在宿舍走廊差點暈倒   暈眩的感覺來了   看不了東西   說不了話   無力  
盡量摸索牆壁找房間的路   房間沒有人   周圍沒有人   第一次感覺到世界末日   真的   就像是我在拼命的喊   可是沒有人會懂   感覺很糟糕   
貧血麽   能瀟灑地離開嗎   別在折磨我   別再折磨身邊擔心我的人了   我答應   我好好照顧自己   請您乖乖地離開我   別讓我累著   親親
也給家人 和 他 親一個了別擔心 我會好的 :)